Yay! It's the weekend...in a few more hours! *happy dance*
I managed to lift some of the weight off of me my talking to my supervisor about the situation I've been dealing with in the mornings and she was like 'why didn't you tell me?!?' I was like I thought things would change with my other co-worker being there but it hasn't so I came to you. She was very understanding and she went along with my suggestion about coming in early (which I had been doing anyway) to make sure things were taken care of before we open up in the mornings. She also said that she herself would come in earlier to help me out. Which is awesome but I'll still make sure to take care of the bigger issues we've got in the morning before she gets here. It'll just be nice to have a second person there to help take some of the pressure off me.
Other than that I'm still kind of in a blah mood. I started reading a new book, mostly during my breaks at work, but haven't really been reading it at home. So far it seems to be a good story just can't bring myself to read while I'm at home for some reason.
Still haven't really found the energy either to work on some of my knitting projects. The socks are still calling to me but I haven't managed to pick them up to start knitting. Pretty much the only thing I've managed to do knitting-wise is look for more patterns that I might be interested in knitting. At least I'm not looking at the yarn which would just cause me to buy more without a purpose so I've been trying to stay away from yarn porn.
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